Early EFI Chronicles: Bendix Gets a Second Chance

Chrysler in the late 1950s was giving the future a “Forward Look”–in more ways than one. After the failure of Rambler to bring an electronic fuel injection system to market in 1957 in our last entry of Early EFI Chronicles, you may have expected Bendix to throw in the towel in the automotive EFI arenaContinue reading “Early EFI Chronicles: Bendix Gets a Second Chance”

Early EFI Chronicles: How the Fastest Car of 1957 was (Almost) a Rambler

Yes, you read that right. The same Rambler run by the miserly George Romney (father of Mitt) was building cars that were somehow simultaneously outdated and on the leading edge of development in the mid-to-late 1950s. Up until 1956, Rambler was known for very inexpensive, low-tech automobiles, equipped with lazy (but reliable) flathead inline sixContinue reading “Early EFI Chronicles: How the Fastest Car of 1957 was (Almost) a Rambler”